03 May 2014

The Fine Line Between Hypocrisy and Personal Truth Keeps Shifting, May 2, 2014

A baseball player represents quintessential Americana
Identifies as a hero earning a seven-figure income
Speaks of queers with AIDS, men of color in jail, foreigners
Keeps secrets
Pleads color-blindness as black folk have slept at this house.

A Southern Baptist sings “Glory, glory, Hallelujah!”
Interprets Bible verses for the lost
Stands in viewing booths, dick through hole
Keeps secrets
Proselytizes against the alleged sin of homosexuality.

A legislator votes for environmental protections
Shakes hands in the Green Room under the Gold Dome
Votes in favor of allowing guns everywhere
Keeps secrets
Instructs voters that what we need is a New Deal.

A military leader sends troops to fight for freedom
Consoles families over lost limbs, lost sons, and lost minds
Protects oil reserves, hires contractors from Halliburton
Keeps secrets
Commands soldiers to respect superiors, salute.

A patriot flies his flag, supports unjustified wars
Recites the 1954 words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance
Walk past the homeless vet in a wheelchair begging for money
Keeps secrets
Declares that real Americans don't rely on handouts.

A public school teacher molds young minds
Works long hours for little pay
Goes to court for lying about changing answers on exams
Keeps secrets
Teaches pupils that honesty is a mark of good character.

An addict attends twelve-step meetings
Listens to experience, strength and hope
Laughs over a drink at Happy Hour
Keeps secrets
Teaches a newcomer not to do as he says, but as he does.

A thinker believes in science, logic and reason 
Rejects religious doctrine
Criticizes and rants on facebook
Keeps secrets
Redefines free thought as his thought.

A revolutionary sheds light in dark corners
Challenges cultural norms, endures condemnation
Deconstructs minds, cult-like
Keeps secrets
Transforms a man who does not know himself into a monster and then into a man