14 June 2013

Love, Unfallen

For too long, the past has consumed me.  It has felt smothering and abusive, unwilling to give me my freedom.  I did not want this, and still, it happened.  Some things are beyond our control.  I do not know whether I am free.  I may never know.  Yet, some experiences are clearly behind me and so I can say, if hesitatingly, “This part is done.”  Some can retrieve the past, I’ve seen it happen, at once wanted and unwanted.  Magical powers are great, and dangerous, and healing.  For me, now is the time to look ahead and leave you to muck around in who I was or perhaps never was.  You make those decisions, and I will do my best to abide them with either joy or forgiveness.  I deserve nothing less.

Love, Unfallen (Inspired by Enigma’s Return to Innocence) written June 13, 2013

The aging young man dreamed on this long
Midsummer’s Night
Of persimmons and lemons and raspberries
Unpicking, causing
puckered lips to unsour

Roads drawn in chalk on blacktop, rain-soaked
Unsplatter; multicolored paths appear with signs that say Stop and Yield and Go
An orange bicycle with a tall flag rides the broad highway drawn by HIS hand (you thought I meant God)
Unpiloted, unremembering what happened in the house overlooking his quickly designed Way Out
Uninviting what never belonged

Penciled words on a page
Unwriting; erasures leave forever-tainted traces
A man with a scythe in a field of cut cornstalks
Unslashes; severed pieces reconnect with root planted firmly in the earth
A unicorn plays nearby, wary, but mindful of the sickness to be healed
Grace and purity quietly at war with a looping background

Rain from a dog’s fur: Unshaken
A stone across a lake: Unskipped, unrippled
Pottery to clay: Unmolded
Wine to grapes: Unstomped, unfermented
Blood to vein: Unweaponized
S.O.S. to sand: Unwritten, unshifted

Tongue in mouth, Unkissed
Pain inflicted, Unhurt
Love, Unfallen