08 February 2016

The Road to Insanity, February 8, 2016

Citing payoff to justify foolishness is always wrong.
Repeating foolishness to increase returns, that cray-cray is wrong!
Plus, this shit won’t benefit anyone, not even me, so clearly wrong.
I have faith that it’ll work out. Is that so wrong?
O these foolish thoughts! Erased.

Payoff always follows from acting the fool; that alone makes me right.
Repeating foolishness could mean handsome returns, so risk makes me right!
Plus, if “this shit” helps only me, it’s still enough to be right.
Having faith all will work out. Can’t we agree that’s right?
O these are foolish thoughts, but could they still be right?
To know that one person listened,
Saved me.

This is bullshit, always wrong.

The first arrogance of man was to experience right, then to name wrong,
We bound our innermost selves to good; disappearing by half our humanity,
Words misunderstood.

So subjective as to be useless?
That sounds right, but feels wrong.
Maybe, somewhere between intellect and heart
Lies the answer about right, about wrong.

I’ll hold my breath and push send, all red-faced,
My truth laid bare, yet ....
Would they walk in my shoes, gladly? Would they accept truth from me? From him?
Or would they tailor the message, put me in a corner, find him bruised but alive,
The angry one silenced by genius from above, a hand-off from below.