24 March 2014

Ancient Bones - A Tabloid Story

Today is the right day to post something silly and fun, written in June, 2000.

Ancient Bones – A Tabloid Story


In what could be the discovery of a new race of beings – perhaps from another planet – insiders’ close to the unearthly uncovering of bones behind a Berkshire Road house say that answers are hard to find at this early stage of the excavation.

Neighborhood resident Jerry Kaye reported that about five month ago he began hearing strange song-like noises rising from deep within a brick-and-mortar drain at one end of the ‘federal’ ditch, constructed during the civil war under the pretense of hiding troops from the Yanks.  “It was like those five tones from Close Encounters of the Third Kind, -- da, de, da, dahh, da,” he exclaimed.  Thinking that perhaps it was his vivid imagination – “from the gin” – he at first discounted the eerie emanations.  Kaye is described by other residents as ‘colorful,’ and can often be seen walking his miniature pick-a-poo with a cigarette dangling in one hand, tumbler balanced in the other.  “That dog must walk itself,” spat resident June Bugg in her thick Southern accent.

The singing ditch took on new importance, however, as others with surrounding property also began noting strange and bizarre occurrences.  George Gouviea became a believer that something was amiss when, around the cocktail hour on a lazy Summer afternoon, he decided to water his drought-stricken hydrangeas.  “I was pulling the hose down to the back yard, and then heard ‘da, de, da, dahh, da’.”  He had heard of Kaye’s earlier brush with the bizarre, but thought that it too was his vivid imagination – “from the scotch.”

But it all became credible when during a neighborhood-wide spree of illegal watering (in the extreme drought conditions, outdoor watering had been banned), the ditch flooded, washing away years of discarded neighborhood trash (much of it was lesbian erotica, say sources close to the activity – but that’s another amazing story!).  Under the remaining rubble, strange bone-like fragments appeared jutting through a thousand-year-old bed of rock.  Unwilling to touch the sketchy skeletal remains, Kaye and Gouviea contacted the local Agriculture Department field office, in an effort to get soil samples taken.  “High acidity might prove that we’re dealing with the abnormal here,” the pair insisted.  Before that wacko week of weird discovery ended, amateur archeologists from several local state schools had cordoned off the area, picking and probing for what might lie beneath, hoping to be the first to unearth the unearthly.

“There is a chance that the abnormally high acid levels are the result of using Miracid throughout the area, causing undue accumulations in this low-lying ditch,” cautioned one well-placed observer.  Similarly, the discovery of a partially-damaged child’s toy -- The Farmer Says -- leads some to speculate that that is the source of the five-tone melody heard by Gouviea and Kaye.   

“We’re all really so very, very excited about this, even if it just amounts to a hill of beans,” June Bugg reflected. 

12 March 2014

From Inside the Prison, November 13, 2013

Monsters are real and they are created by Other people and they live in the mirror in the prison that is my mind.

I look up at night and the red glow of the Power button on the Monitor floats up the wall in the shape of a Skull in the prison that is my mind.

Darkness isn’t a Lack of light; it is Form and Movement, free, flying across the ceiling in the prison that is my mind.

I am told to shut up, to roll over, to Play dead, and to pretend I am asleep while it Fucks my mouth in the prison that is my mind.

There is no air and no water and I Gag on it, vomiting, in this prison that is my mind.

I look around checking that Nothing has been taken, that Nothing is being put up my ass while begging that Something be put up my ass, that the others validate my Lack of trust in the prison that is my mind.

How will you Harm me?  When will you Hurt me?  How can I outmaneuver You?  These are the questions I Ask in the prison that is my mind.

No, This I will not see.  Put the Needle back in my arm, Used is fine and hot and that makes us one and connected and I know this is so Fucked up but his headlamp only shined enough light to help find a vein that Took the hepatitis into the already-toxic body - such is the memory in the prison that is my mind.

Faces of friends are interpreted as enemies that coldly and with cruel intent reveal the truth about loneliness and the damnation of an insatiable appetite for love in the prison that is my mind.

On the Mirror, tattooed in fading blood, I see the words fight back, and I summon enough Courage not to lose sight of the Reflection that might take Substance and rescue me from the prison that is my mind.

Then, freedom!  Courage mixed with reflection yielded substance that unlocked the door of the prison that was my mind.

Note:  A good resolution, ending on a happy note, as it were, has been long in coming.  I am grateful to be here.  (November 20, 2013)  Still am.  Oh good grief, I have been so foolish.  (November 26, 2013.)  No, you have been you.  (December 23, 2013)
Impenetrable  April 11-28, 2013

Let me in
You observe, a panopticon’s gaze
Let me in
My knock, made of words, you don’t hear
Let me in
Those tracks were not intended for followers
Let me in
Your façade, so smooth, seductive
Let me in
Too high, this wall can’t be scaled
Let me in
I have no combination, no solution to your riddle, no key to your kingdom
Let me in
I go through you, unhindered

Come back to me
You scream in your mind, yet no one hears the crying wolf

Let me out
My eyes plead, as the dead might
Let me out
The rapping of your hand pounds in my head
Let me out
These tracks are footprints on a warm beach
Let me out
My sleek surface cracks; look closer, please
Let me out
I have no foundation, meet me below
Let me out
Louder, say the magic word
Let me out
Rescue, save, but do not love me

I came back for him

But he did not

Let me in
And Now:  A Word from Our Sponsors  April 23, 2013 I do not remember recording all of this.  Credit is hereby given to the deserving - namely, those Mad Men who repeatedly sell us bridges, successfully.

There’s no better way to show your love than a card from Hallmark
Lactaid:  Easy to digest, easy to love
When the bugs are all gone, it’s all good
Are you embarrassed by your countertops?
You deserve a real meal.  You deserve Piccadilly.
I am relatively normal when I drink Kool-Aid.
Your driver’s license is a constant reminder of how young we once looked.
Thankfully, it’s not delivery, it’s DiGiorno.
People taking MAOIs should not take Zymbalta; liver problems, some fatal, were reported; Dizziness may      occur upon standing
Life is full of little tests … bring it, Bounty Basic
Disney World is the place where dreams come true
You won’t find me near a truck, but I’ll protect you when you are hurt in a truck accident
Stains penetrate deep into your carpet
Don’t risk your settlement, call us today
Parentheses have a place, just not on your face
Millions of cakes are mistreated annually, but there is something you can do … Cool Whip frosting
Sometimes make-up needs a little magic:  you get a flawless air-brushed finish
Quality like this doesn’t come every day
Mini wheats keeps em full and keeps em focused
A topic no one wants to talk about: bad breath.  How do you stop it?
ITT Tech is working to keep education affordable
What if you could bring back your skin’s healthy glow?
Crest Pro will transform your mouth and protect all those areas dentists check most
Let’s Make a Deal   April 28, 2013

Let’s make a deal
Behind door number one
I’ll tell you what’s there!
He’s a jokester
He snorts and jabs and rips
Self-disparaging that others might laugh
Humor shields him
A big-smiling clown

Let’s a make a deal
Behind door number two
I’ll tell you what’s there!
He’s a thinker
He conceives and considers and surmises
Among the playground walking-wounded, glasses thrown
Intelligence shields him
A steely Rodin

Let’s make a deal
Behind door number three
I’ll tell you what’s there!
He’s a jock
He runs and sweats and tones
A new body since being picked last at school
Beauty shields him
A pin-striped player

Let’s make a deal
Take what’s behind all three doors
I’ve told you what’s there!
Or you can take what’s in the box:
               He’s just rounding the corner.

Let’s make a deal
Reach in, there’s cash in this pocket
               It’s what you’ve been waiting for
               The stuff of dreams

Or you might go home empty-handed
On Care and Caring, November 19, 2013

I sometimes have the audacity to try to glean meaning from personal experience.

This morning in the shower it hit me:  Write about what it means to care for someone and to receive care from others.  Where are the boundaries?  Are there boundaries?  How does one give and receive care selflessly?

First, my old-fashioned hardcover Webster’s Dictionary surprised me with its definition of care, which I had carelessly associated only with some vague notion of good-feeling, as in warmth expressed toward another.  It reads, “suffering of mind, a disquieted state of blended uncertainty, apprehension and responsibility.” The secondary definition states that to care is “to feel trouble or anxiety […] interest or concern < ~ about freedom>.”

Over the past several months, I’ve felt the universe watching, protecting.  Certainly, that sort of caring must have meant interest or concern.  Why would it be so concerned?  I had to look at my actions.  What I saw as an addiction to exploration, others saw as destructive, pure and simple.  Maybe they were a mixture of both - a fine line separating knowledge from death.  Often, I would treat that sensed caring as interference in *my* autonomous life.  For me, to care about freedom was to require complete independence, on my terms.  This is an incomplete view.
Note:   I went to the dictionary to look up and photocopy the definition of the word “care.”  After the first copy came out of my printer, I found that I had copied the definition for the word “good.” I never copied the definition for the word “care.”  Odd.
One Love, November 20, 2013, or “I write better than I do.”

One love.  Either we love or we do not love - it is whole or it is absent.  The idea that love may be parceled is a tool of rationalization.  The manner in which we tend that love for ourselves must reflect love’s breadth and depth, which is infinite in scope.

I cannot eat properly, and then inject a drug.  I cannot love some, but not others, nor love some attributes of a man, while belittling others.  I suspect that the absence of love fuels what we once knew as the  walking dead, eyes rolled back, white.

Flash forward: Eyes-rolled back, white, two men fucking, in love, creating ecstasy. 
As a Consequence of Injecting Crystal Meth, April 30, 2013, rev. September 25, 2013

As a Consequence of Injecting Crystal Meth

               - we dance beautiful dances, full of motion, meaningful in his world, that say I believe what you believe.  Imagination is a junkie’s security blanket, if properly tended; else, his nightmare.

               - we are Pinocchios brought to life, strung up, manipulated by unseen daddy-dealer hands. 

               - pants hang loose around his waist, not unusual for a ghost, and then there’s that shimmer on his cheeks, the shine from a desert mirage destined to evaporate.

               - words are thrown at each other.  Barbed arrows target weak spots for maximum penetration.  Feel the pain you cause, bastard.

               - between rounds, silence soaks the house, dampening things that need to be said.

               - he tries to dress up the place, outside and in.  Mowing and vacuuming are a guilty man’s soap.  Isn’t this pretty?  Neither of the vision boards hung in his room have eyes.

               - schemes and plans and designs carefully incubated in wet brains explode, sopping our lives in oozy truthiness and omissions (his words).  But I see falsehoods and fibs and forgeries and fiction and fraudulence (my words) lying dead on the floor.

               - the truth, or the juice, bites his ass like a pit bull taught hate might bite an ass.  The truth always leaks out when the juice flows in because the truth and the juice do what they know to do.

               - I wonder, is the ass-bite of truth like the real bite that would come from my teeth if I could bite his ass?  I wonder this because my bite would have the chomping force of love.

               - I must love him until he can love himself.  Advice from a room full of junkies but very difficult to follow until I remember that I am him and, because all junkies remember themselves better than others, I love him/me.  But I remind myself that I will not lap up his vomit, only to choke.

               - this junkie sees and feels and knows and experiences his pain and joy with him every.single.time. and my arrogance cannot deny him his humanity.

               - we may never fucking get it and die, or we may awaken to the knowledge that we are already on our own paths, each true and good, none better nor worse.

               - we may find happiness just as we are, being and living and seeing, really seeing.